A strong health and safety culture within our organisation is key. Deep knowledge and awareness of our safety routines is crucial. Specific and tailored health and safety training programs are systematically rolled out to build capabilities across the business. An annual health and safety awareness week is also part of our effort to continuously strengthen our health, safety and environment (HSE) culture.
Stay safe
The safety of our employees, sub-contractors and partners is our priority number one. We are also committed to building a workplace with diversity and equal opportunities.
Continuous training of our employees is important to succeed in these fields.
Our health performance
Our goal is that all employees, sub-contractors and partners shall return home every day completely free of injuries. We work continuously to ensure that all employees experience job satisfaction and wellbeing, targeting zero sickness related to any work undertaken at NRC Group. Wellbeing initiatives include regular medical checks and access to health support services.
2022: 6.0. Lost time injury frequency (LTI)0%
2022: 4.2 % - Sickness absence rateSafety is embedded in everything we do
Being inclusive makes business sense to us
We acknowledge diversity and inclusion, and offer equal opportunities regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, cultural, religious and social background. Being able to listen to and acknowledge different opinions, different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives, enables more effective corporate decision-making. A diverse workforce leads to diversity in thinking, which is a key driver for innovation and growth. We operate in a male-dominated industry, which is reflected in the Group’s overall gender composition. Positive progress has been made, though, in addressing gender diversity.
2022: 10,7% - Female employees0%
2022: 40.5% - Female senior management0%
2022: 57% - Women in Board of DirectorsWe train and develop our people
NRC Group considers competence and knowledge development as important factors for building a shared company culture, as well as to attract and retain great people. We believe that by investing in our people we achieve a more skilled, loyal and effective work force.
We are proud to offer a specific training program to build sustainability competence within the organisation. The program builds a shared understanding of sustainability within the business and is a powerful driver of positive environmental and social performance.
"I am so grateful for the opportunity that NRC Group Norway gave me to earn an official certificate in concrete work. The follow up has been great! It’s also cool to learn Norwegian.
Robert Pytlas
Keeping international standards
NRC Group Finland and NRC Group Norway are certified to ISO 45001, the internationally-recognised occupational health and safety management system standard. NRC Group Sweden aims to be certified during 2024. As part of the certified management system NRC Group continuously carries out preventive measures to improve the working environment, including risk analysis, planning, training and safety inspections.
Ensuring ethical business practices
Our business success is built on a foundation of trust. We believe that our business behavior should reflect the highest ethical standards. This goal requires that we actively review and maintain our policies and practices. This is how we work to keep the standard.