Jukka comments on the Sustainability report

Since our first report in 2020, we have set clear targets, improved processes to collect and report on the sustainability data and learned how to meet requirements, regulations and increasing expectations, both from our employees and our external stakeholders.

, by Jukka Viitanen

Jukkas comment on the report

How we build matters to us, and disclosing our performance in this report, demonstrate our progress so far. As in previous years, we have prepared the report according to our material topics. The review of our material topics in 2022, identified human rights impact as part of our sustainable supply chain topic.

Construction industry is known for its heavy footprint. We use a lot of energy intensive materials in the production. At NRC Group, we have strong focus on circularity and increased material efficiency, and we have some good examples in our report on how we have executed this in our projects. Circularity is also an important measure for us, to indicate our alignment on EU taxonomy. Compared to previous reports, we have improved the coverage and quality of data from our projects. Partially this resulted in an increase of some indicators. On the other hand, the transparency and accuracy of our report for 2022 is improved. Overall, we are on the track towards reaching our sustainability targets. We will continue to keep the sustainability focus in our everyday work.

I am so proud of the report for 2022! And I also welcome your feedback!